Our services.

  • Physician-Led

    Access to prescription weight-loss drugs such as Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Contrave.

    At CMC Weight Loss Clinic, we may suggest a weight-loss drug for you in some cases. These include if you haven't been able to lose weight through diet and exercise and:

    Your Body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30. This means you're living with a condition that involves having too much body fat, called obesity.

    Your BMI is greater than 27 and you also have a serious medical problem linked to obesity, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

  • Registered Nurse Monitored

    Proficient guidance through key stages of the weight loss journey, without compromising on safety or comfort level.

    Comprehensive, personalized program designed to create long-term sustainable results in terms of weight management and overall health.

    Access to lab work and regular health screenings.

  • Nutrition Counselling

    Evidence-based approach tailored to address the individual root causes of obesity and provide support for behavioral changes.

    Dedicated resources and tools to help individuals develop healthy habits and reach their weight loss goals.

  • Support Every Step Of The Way

    An improved quality of life through better physical fitness, nutrition, lifestyle management, and mental well-being achieved by adopting healthy habits for successful weight loss maintenance.